Global Sustainability Core Equity (Dimensional)

The Global Sustainability Core Equity Fund (Dimensional) aims to achieve long-term total return. The fund is actively managed and primarily invests in shares of companies listed on the principal stock exchanges in developed countries around the world. The fund's portfolio is generally overweighted in shares of smaller sized companies and value companies. Value companies are companies where, at the time of purchase, the Investment Manager believes that the share price is low compared to the accounting value of the company. The composition of the fund may be adjusted based on environmental and sustainability impact considerations. No more than 20% of the fund’s net assets will be invested in countries that the Investment Manager considers to be emerging markets. The fund may use financial contracts or instruments (derivatives) to manage risk, reduce costs or improve returns.

Main features

- Actively managed by Dimensional

- Generally overweighted in shares of smaller sized companies and value companies

- The risk profile of this fund is based on the seven year recommended holding period

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How it works

The fund's portfolio is generally overweighted in shares of smaller sized companies and value companies. Value companies are companies where, at the time of purchase, the investment manager believes that the share price is low compared to the accounting value of the company. The composition of the fund may be adjusted based on environmental and sustainability impact considerations. No more than 20% of the fund’s net assets will be invested in countries that the investment manager considers to be emerging markets. The fund may use financial contracts or instruments (derivatives) to manage risk, reduce costs or improve returns.

This fund is managed by Dimensional.

Current Fund Price* (as at 10/05/2024)


Asset Split**

95% Bonds
5% Cash

Annualised Performance (%)*

*Notes: Annual management charges (AMC) apply. The fund performance shown is before the full AMC is applied on your policy.

Returns are based on offer/offer performance and do not represent the return achieved by individual policies linked to the fund.

The fund price/performance shown is for the Pension / Gross of Tax Funds category.

*Source: Zurich Life

**Note: Asset Splits are updated quarterly.

Why Dimensional?

Dimensional Fund Advisors is a leading global investment firm that has been translating academic research into practical investment solutions since 1981. Guided by a strong belief in markets, they work to implement compelling ideas in finance for the benefit of clients. An enduring philosophy, strong client commitment, and a strong connection with the academic community underpin their approach. Dimensional manages $596 billion in Global assets.

*Source: Dimensional Fund Advisors, September 2018.

Dimensional Fund Advisors Ltd., registered address 20 Triton Street, Regent's Place, London, NW1 3BF, Company Number 02569601, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority - Firm Reference No.150100.

Warning: Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance.
Warning: Benefits may be affected by changes in currency exchange rates.
Warning: The value of your investment may go down as well as up.
Warning: If you invest in these funds you may lose some or all of the money you invest.

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