Ok Google, talk to Zurich Ireland

Zurich enhances customers’ experience by developing a digital voice assistants for the suite of Cost of Education Calculators.

Zurich is the first insurance company in Ireland to leverage the capabilities of digital voice assistants, such as Google Home and Amazon Alexa, to enable parents to quickly estimate the likely cost of their children’s education

Now with a simple voice search on your Amazon Echo, Google Home or mobile device, you can talk to Zurich to find out how much you will need to save to send your children to school.

Responding to an increasing number of people using digital voice assistants, with research showing half of online consumers globally now using the devices*, Zurich is leveraging the technology in Ireland with its Cost of Education Calculators.

Sean Carty, Head of Online and Digital, Zurich, said: “With a simple question said aloud, customers can take the first step towards planning for the cost of their children’s education. Our 2019 Cost of Education survey showed that the cost of secondary school rose 16% compared with last year, so it will be a key concern for parents. We appreciate that parents have very busy lives, so by leveraging the technology available through digital voice assistants, we want to make it as convenient and easy as possible for them to interact with Zurich products and services and to take their first step in planning ahead for their children’s future.”

*Accenture research, January 2019

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