Serious Illness Claims
How do I make a Serious Illness, Terminal Illness or Permanent Total Disability Claim?
You should first contact the person that set up the policy for you to establish that the benefit applies to your policy. This is either your Financial Advisor, one of our financial consultants or representatives. They will guide you through these steps:
Step 1: Send the following items to your Financial Advisor or to us:
- Completed Claim Form(s) - you, or the person making the claim, will need to complete the relevant form. Note: For terminal illness claims please speak to your broker or contact the claims team directly.
- Certified* Birth Cert - we will return this immediately. If there are two lives insured on the policy please submit both birth certificates.
- Certified* Marriage Cert - if the person making the claim is a married woman with a different surname than on her Birth Cert.
Step 2: We will write to the Life insured's GP and Specialist Doctor(s) for medical reports for our Chief Medical Officer.
Step 3: We will send your Financial Advisor confirmation that we have received the claim form and written to these doctors. If the policy is assigned to a bank or building society we will write to the institution to request the Deed of Assignment and notify your Financial Advisor of this. The benefit will be paid to the assignee unless we get written instructions from them to pay the policy owner directly.
Step 4: We may decide that an independent medical assessment is required in certain circumstances on receipt of the medical reports. If so, you will be advised immediately.
Step 5: On receipt of all our requirements your claim will be assessed and where the claim is admitted, payment shall be made via electronic transfer to the appropriate bank account.
*The following individuals can certify documents; your Financial Advisor, Garda Síochána, Chartered Accountant, Public Notary or Solicitor. In addition to this, the person who certifies the document should print their name and provide a contact number so that verification of the certifier’s details may be made by Zurich Life if required. Where available a stamp should be used by the certifier.
- Completed Claim Form(s) - you, or the person making the claim, will need to complete the relevant form. Note: For terminal illness claims please speak to your broker or contact the claims team directly.
Please Note:
Under the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Acts 2010 and 2013, Zurich Life requires clients to provide 'Evidence of Identity' and 'Proof of Address' and other supporting documentation.